Little Fish In A Big Pond

This is me...and my thoughts randomly scattered for other people to read who find comfort in these random thoughts of others.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

I've been Tagg -ED!

Hokay.... apparently.... I've been NOT blogging for an extended period of time. Sad. My mom has tagged me with a meme
so here goes......
Rules:Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.Share seven random and or weird things about yourself.Tag seven random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.SEVEN RANDOM/WEIRD THINGS ABOUT MYSELF:

#1: I've recently begun a new "dance therapy" exercise, evolving from rants and rages resulting from lack of sleep and stressful schoolwork. I come home from school, turn on the I-tunes, and dance my little heart out till I'm panting and have put a smile back on my face! Its wonderful!
Seriously, y'all should try it. Don't worry about hallways, beds, company, etc..... just jump on anything in your way and DANCE IT OUT!
Whew... I think... yep.... time out for a little dance...

Kay, I'm back

#2: I love hot water with a little dollop of honey. MMMMM!!! Its cheap, its delightful, and not too many calories at all!

#3: I hate socks. I've probably mentioned this once or five times.... but i'm serious. Who ever invented such a constrictive, toe - numbing, sweat chamber!? I hate them. Lets boycott.
By the way, contrary to popular belief, my feet dont smell at all! Drink water. Its key!

#4: I snort when I laugh. It merits much jeering from my friends, but I cannot help it.
I blame it on a deviated septum.

#5: I love Phil Colins and the Beastie Boys. I can sing any song from either artist, but try to avoid this tidbit about myself with any prospective boyfriends - who knew its a turn off?

#6: When I was younger I lost my pointer fingernail on my.... left? hand.... yes.
By the way, it was due to an infection from a hangnail! Ew..
And has since grown back :)

#7: I run constantly. Here's my secret: don't run because you want to lose weight and you feel like you have TO DO IT! You'll end up despising it.
Run when you FEEL like it. Trust me. It is also excellent therapy. Run it out..

There were seven insights into my soul...

I have no one to tag!