Little Fish In A Big Pond

This is me...and my thoughts randomly scattered for other people to read who find comfort in these random thoughts of others.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

You think you know, but you have no idea...

Well, it happened. For the first time in my life I have finally gone through a surgery. Before now, I had felt like a baby, nothing seriously bad has ever happened to my body, and I knew I could never deal with anything painful, and being "put out" scared me to death, i'll be perfectly honest with you. ( I have zero pain tolerance, and whine about most things....its sad...sorry mom).
So, after getting the teeth pulled, i am now sucking breafast lunch and dinner through a straw...and my face is swollen like a small rodent ( and is getting worse by the hour)....
To everyone out there who has had their wisdom teeth pulled...hats off to you. This sucks..
I only hope that I will get over this soon so i can look halfway decent when traveling across the country to go back to college....
Being swollen and sore could potentially be a REALLY bad way to start my sophomore year...
Here are some sweet pics because i love to laugh at myself!
go ahead...have a giggle...

Thursday, August 10, 2006

"The Pentavrit! They meet Tri- Annually at a Colorado Country Club...known as....The Meadows."

So, as I sit in the store, comtemplating the recent events of my day and trying not to move my mouth in any way other than to give a little giggle to my title of this, my newest blog, I think back to the day when I was at my orthodontist's office looking at some x- rays and looking him in his wee beady eyes as he calmy told me that it was quite possible that I " might not have wisdom teeth."
Good news, I thought. Never to endure the surgery that my friends would all go through, living with puffy cheeks like a rodent, and drinking raisin bran through a straw...

Ohhh noooo my friends...oh no. I AM DESTINED TO THAT FATE!!

After a few weeks of unknown pain in my jaw, calls to my dad whining, and dealing with some rather sketchy numbing gel that is JUST ridiculous and only ended up numbing everything BUT the tooth, I made my trip to the dentist.
They took my x- rays, where I saw not ONE wisdom tooth but FOUR! Who WAS that doctor that told me I didn't have any? Did I just imagine that? Was he just some hobo off the streets?

So, the dentist comes in and looks at my tooth for about two seconds.He proceeds to tell me "Yep, its infected and its got to come out ASAP"....timidly I asked how i would be able to function ie; eat food, go to work, DRIVE......and it wasn't looking good, so I decided it would be better to wait TWO WEEKS until I can get it done at home with some tender loving care by my sweet -one -who -birthed -me.

So, here we go. Armed with my 3 days worth of anti-biotics and a few bottles of extra strength tylenol.......

I just keep thinking about the four gaping holes i'm going to have in my head after all this...
The whole thing seems really barbaric...not to mention ridiculously painful....ripping my teeth out of my head...yikes.

Updates on this little guy later!