Things remembered....
So, these are some things from when i was little that i totally forgot about...but were some of my favorite things/things that scared me/ things i always had with me....

1. Does anyone remember Jellies? The little shoes that were made out of like....i don't even know....plastic, probably...but they were sooo FUN! I remember they had pink, red, blue, green, clear, clear with SPARKLES.....i loved those things! One night, my junior year in high school, i totally had a dream about them, so i det out to find these forgotten Jellies from so long ago. Yes....Yes...i found some...crazy, huh? They still make them, and in grown- up sizes! It was fate! I got two pair, in pink, and clear! CATO....thats where i bought them...i don't know if they're an east coast store, but yeah. So everytime i wear them, every girl stops me and is like..." Oh my goodness, i REMEMBER jellies!! Where did you get them!?".....crazy...
2. Dip n' Dots.
Okay, honestly! Where did all the Dip n' Dots go!? The last place i saw one was in the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago...if they only knew i look for them in EVERY mall and EVERY zoo, they would get so much business. I loved the Banana Split. Those little Dots were probably the 20th century's greatest invention. Whoever did that should get a gold star for helping mankind.
If anyone knows where i can locate the nearest Dip n' Dots, please let me know....i'm actually getting a huge craving now....
3. The original Nintendo Duck Hunt
Ohhh yeaaahh...we all remember Duck hunt. With the fantastically orange laser gun? That thing was so hard for me to do when i was little. You couldn't beat original Nintentdo, though.....what a great invention! and Super Mario Brothers? yeah....i sucked at all of these but i played all the time....until our Duck Hunt gun broke, which we still kept for years after....? i don't know
4. Those little stirrup pants!
Those were pretty much ridiculous...i don't know the point of this day. BUT everyone wore them back in the 80's. Very wierd...and i have a very good question....where does the sock go!? Inside or outside? Outside seems terribly uncomfortable, but inside? a little odd, don't you think? And guess what....they STILL sell them. I'm sorry, but if you are still in stirrup pants.....GET OUT....NOW.....they will never be brought back....i hate to be the one to break the news.
5. I hate E.T.
I understand that he is supposed to be the helpless, cute, adorable movie icon of the 80's, but honestly....don't you see him!! That freakishly large head, BIG eyes, loooong neck, wrinkly brown body, and big feet. He scares me to this day. I know he's been through a lot....geesh...maybe i'd be scary landing on another planet. And he has a big heart, and sad story, but would you not FREAK out if you turned around and he was just hangin out!?? YEAH! AH! Pretty much i KNEW he lived in my closet. It didn't help that i had a closet that looked just like Elliot's closet in the movie....
Well, thats all for today, just reminiscing....i'm old...
but you're older!! HAHA
Have a good day, everyone!
At 8:27 AM,
Bright One said…
Ha the ET Thing....Oh boy do I remember that were absolutely wierd about it. I never had any idea that your closet looked like Elliot's though....might explain the fear I guess. And Jellies? You were/are SUCH the shoe girl! From your earliest walking days you were INTO THEM!!! You wouldn't go anywhere without your "tappy" shoes remember them? You were so CUTE!!! Loved the I have to watch ET....for old times sake!
At 11:23 PM,
Blackeyedsue said…
Lagoon baby. There has been a dippin' dots kiosk inbetween Pioneer Village and the Straightaway for as long as I can remember.
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